Engaging users, from first visit to renewed subscription

Project: User Engagement

We provided digital marketing services to help engage, grow and retain the userbase for ELiT’s family of revolutionary online learning tools.

ELiT products used breakthrough automatic marking technology, developed at the University of Cambridge, to help learners of English improve through practice. It was a multifaceted offering which we helped to clarify, promote and refine.

Funnel Optimisation: Improving the user journey

By defining and understanding the product’s key marketing funnels – the steps from first encounter to final purchase – we could start to optimise the customer journey systematically and holistically.

: Insights from analysis

All activities were tracked and measured so that marketing decisions could be data-driven. Each new improvement was an experiment that was assessed and then refined.

It has been great to work with Convincible. We get responsive, reliable service with lots of proactive engagement, which really helps ELiT move its thinking forward.

General Manager, ELiT



Key Services